Setting Goals for the New Year

The start of the new year is our favorite time of the year! There is nothing we love more than hearing everyone’s goals and aspirations for the year ahead. Jumping head-first into a new goal can be intimidating, especially if it’s something you’ve never done before. Here are some tips we swear by to help us keep our goals. 

Have a Plan

Getting started is truly the hardest part of accomplishing any goal. Taking the time to map out actionable steps is essential in bringing your plan to fruition. It will give a clear place to start and make accomplishing the goal so much easier.

  • Use the SMART goal framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • Create a visual plan using a planner, whiteboard, or app.
  • Schedule dedicated time for working on your goal each week.

Break Down Your Goals 

Having a big goal, like running a marathon, can sound intimidating. Breaking up the goal into attainable milestones will help keep you motivated and give you small celebrations along the way.

  • Divide your big goal into smaller, weekly or monthly milestones.
  • Set mini-goals that feel achievable and celebrate them as you progress.
  • Use a progress tracker to visualize your journey towards the big goal.

Join Forces

Everything's better with a friend! Whether you’re working together towards the same goal or have a goal of your own, teaming up with a friend can be beneficial, especially when morale is low. You can work on tasks together or check in to hold each other accountable.

  • Find a friend or group with similar goals for support and accountability.
  • Share your progress and challenges with each other for motivation.
  • Join online communities or forums related to your goal for additional inspiration.

Gear Up with Copper Compression

Nothing gets us quite as motivated to start something as new gear! At Copper Compression, we have the gear to help you achieve all of your goals. We have gloves for a new hobby, braces to help straighten out your posture, and a variety of compression sleeves to help with grueling gym workouts. 


Prioritize Rest and Recovery 

Burnout is real! As you start your journey, it’s so important to give your mind and body time to rest and recover. If you go too hard too fast, it can be overwhelming and lead to burnout.

  • Schedule rest days into your workout routine to prevent overtraining.
  • Get enough sleep each night for optimal recovery and focus.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • If you're working out, stock up on compression products to help aid in recovery.  

Celebrate Your Success 

Remember those small goals you set out to achieve? Every time you hit those goals, celebrate! Accomplishing all that you set out to achieve will be the most rewarding experience. Even if you don't check off every single goal on your list, the act of following through on your plan will put you in a positive mindset and put you on the path to achieving great things. Whether it’s preparing a new meal plan using healthy ingredientsnew Copper Compression gear you put on for the first time, or just a post about nothing, let's celebrate your wins together!

  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones, big or small.
  • Share your achievements with friends, family, or online communities.
  • Track your progress and reflect on how far you've come.
  • Share your achievements, however big or small, by tagging us on our Instagram and Facebook. #CCWins2024