Compression Socks In Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

As much as all women want that pregnancy glow, expecting mothers often experience a variety of symptoms such as morning sickness, headaches, and increased urination (Most women urinate between six and seven times in a 24-hour period!).

But there are also a few overlooked symptoms such as swollen feet, soreness in the legs and ankles, and even varicose veins. To help alleviate these issues, many pregnant women are turning to compression socks for relief.

You may have heard of compression socks, which are typically worn by athletes, gym goers, nurses, and frequent flyers. But pregnant women are no exception to this list, as many women frequently experience leg swelling during pregnancy.

According to the NHS, swollen ankles, feet, and fingers are extremely common during pregnancy. "It's often worse at the end of the day and further into your pregnancy," they explain.

If you want to learn more about swollen feet during pregnancy and how copper compression socks can help, read ahead!

How Compression Socks Help With Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Compression socks provide gentle pressure on the lower leg that helps improve circulation, thus reducing discomfort and swelling. They also offer support for tired legs and ankles while helping to prevent varicose veins from developing or worsening during pregnancy.

With so many benefits, compression socks have become a popular choice among expecting moms. The best compression socks for pregnancy are our Power Knit ankle sport socks or our Power Knit Knee High socks with 15-20 mmHg level of compression.

Why Are Swollen Feet Common During Pregnancy

Pregnancy-related swelling, especially in the feet and ankles, is a common occurrence for many expecting mothers. This condition is caused by an increase in fluid in the body due to hormonal changes produced during pregnancy.

As hormones increase throughout pregnancy, the extra fluid causes swelling in various parts of your body as well as weight gain. The extra fluids are drawn to the lower extremities such as your legs and ankles. As a result, this can cause uncomfortable swelling and inflammation in the feet.

Symptoms of Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

The most common symptoms associated with swollen feet during pregnancy include:

  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Discomfort when putting pressure on the affected area
  • Tenderness or soreness in the feet
  • Warmth or hot to the touch
  • An overall feeling of heaviness or tightness that makes it difficult to move around.

Swelling is typically worse after standing for long periods of time or at the end of each day when you have been more active.

How to Alleviate Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

There are several ways to help alleviate swollen feet during pregnancy, including the following.

  • Elevating your legs whenever possible
  • Wearing comfortable shoes and avoiding high heels
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Avoiding long periods of sitting or standing
  • Drinking plenty of water to help flush out toxins and improve circulation
  • Taking regular breaks from strenuous activities
  • Exercising regularly (with doctor’s approval)
  • Wearing a pair of compression socks that provide gentle pressure on both legs to improve circulation and reduce swelling.

When To Be Worried About Swollen Feet

Swelling in the feet is typical, as we've mentioned, but if you have a sudden increase in swelling, this can be a sign of pre-eclampsia.

It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia and other complications during pregnancy in order to ensure that you and your baby are safe. Other common signs to look out for include high blood pressure and severe headaches.

In addition to increased swelling being a warning sign for pre-eclampsia, it could also indicate a more general issue with circulatory problems due to venous insufficiency or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) caused by blood pooling.

Although swollen feet during pregnancy are common and rarely cause serious harm, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when dealing with any unexpected symptoms during this time. Compression socks may help relieve some of the discomfort associated with swollen feet but should never replace seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional should you experience any worrying signs or symptoms while pregnant.

pregnant woman wearing socks

Should you sleep in compression socks while pregnant?

Sleep is a vital component of our overall health and well-being, especially during pregnancy. While it's important to get adequate rest while pregnant, many moms-to-be struggle with sleep due to swollen feet, ankle pain, and other discomforts. For some expecting mothers, compression socks can be an effective way to relieve this discomfort and improve sleep by wearing them overnight.

Do compression socks prevent blood clots during pregnancy?

Compression socks can be an effective tool in helping to prevent edema and blood clots during pregnancy. While they are not a substitute for seeking medical advice, they can help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling in the legs and ankles which may decrease the risk of developing a blood clot. Compression socks provide a snug fit around your feet and ankles which gives extra support to tired muscles and joints while increasing blood flow throughout your body. This helps to reduce inflammation in the veins, allowing them to transport oxygen-rich blood circulation back to your heart.

How can Copper Compression socks be beneficial during pregnancy?

Copper compression socks have all the benefits of compression socks with the added benefit of being anti-microbial and moisture-wicking. This can allow pregnant women to wear compression socks without worrying about getting an infection or fungus.

Feel free to wear Copper Compression socks well into your third trimester (when swelling typically increases!) and postpartum as maternity compression socks. Take them out of your closet down the line if you’re feeling leg pain or severe swelling.