How to Improve Poor Blood Circulation

Did you know that improving your blood circulation can have a major impact on your overall health? Poor circulation can lead to more serious health problems, including cardiovascular failure, stroke, skin ulcers, and blood clots. It's important to increase your blood flow before it turns into a critical medical condition.

People of all ages and backgrounds may experience poor circulation caused by lifestyle factors such as smoking, inactivity, or unhealthy eating habits. Poor circulation can also be caused by underlying medical conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol. Regardless of the cause, your circulatory system is depending on you to keep it right on track.

The circulatory/cardiovascular system includes your heart, blood vessels, and blood. Without proper blood flow, your heart can’t get the nutrients it needs to secure oxygen, which pumps through the entire body.

In this article, we will discuss how you can improve your poor blood circulation and reduce your risk for potential health complications down the road.

Why is Good Blood Circulation Important?

Blood circulation is essential to our health and wellness. It distributes oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, transporting them to where they are needed. Poor circulation can restrict the flow of these essential elements throughout the body. Blood is essential for the entire body to function because of the nutrients that it carries.

These nutrients help us to stay healthy, fight off infections and illnesses, maintain energy levels, heal quickly from injuries or surgeries, and a host of other health benefits.

What is the Main Cause of Poor Circulation?

Poor blood circulation can be caused by a variety of lifestyle factors such as smoking, inactivity, or unhealthy eating habits. It can also be caused by underlying medical conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol which can lead to high blood pressure.

According to The Cleveland Clinic, narrowed blood cells can also lead to poor circulation.

Symptoms of poor circulation can include fatigue, muscle cramps, swollen hands/feet, dizziness, decreased cognitive ability/memory loss, leg pain (which can be attributed to Peripheral Artery Disease), and weakened immunity.

Who Has Poor Blood Circulation?

Anyone can be affected by poor blood circulation, but it typically affects overweight people who are over 40 years old with diabetes and lack exercise. Obesity can take a toll on one’s heart health.

Take a Hot Bath or Shower

Taking a hot bath or shower can be an invigorating experience for both body and mind! Not only does it soothe and relax muscles, but it helps to improve blood circulation as well. When exposed to heat, your blood vessels expand, allowing more blood to flow through them. This increased flow brings oxygen-rich nutrients to cells in the body, which are essential for optimal health.

According to multiple studies, including a 2018 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, a spike in body temperature from a hot bath can increase blood flow and improve blood sugar levels.

So, the next time you're feeling tired or sluggish, don't forget the power of a hot bath or shower. Besides making you feel good, it could just be the thing that helps keep your blood pumping!

Exercise For 30 Minutes a Day

Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can be one of the best things that you can do to take your health into your own hands. Not only will it help to pump more blood throughout the body, but it also gets your heart rate up and increases overall well-being.


Don't get us wrong: You don't have to become a gym rat overnight! Even small lifestyle changes adopted over time, such as walking for 10 minutes three times a week can help you begin to feel the benefits. Give it a go today and your future self will thank you!

According to Hopkins Medicine, there are three types of exercises that can improve your heart health including aerobic exercise (cardio), strength training, and stretching to finish off your workouts. You can do aerobics without any equipment or try biking, jogging, swimming, and walking.

Blood circulation is directly related to heart health. Strong blood circulation pushes blood throughout the body and to the heart.

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Eating healthy foods may not seem like a fun activity at times, yet the nutritious benefits can help your cardiovascular health.

What foods increase blood flow?

Incorporating leafy greens, avocados, nuts, and seeds into your healthy diet is an easy place to start. Omega-3 Fatty Acids like tuna and salmon (which are not fatty fish) is also considered a heart-healthy food. Avoiding processed meat and saturated fats, especially red meat, is also wise considering red meat can triple the heart disease chemical.

Each of these ingredients is full of vitamins and minerals that provide multiple heart-healthy antioxidants that work together to protect your body from free radicals. Not only will your taste buds be tantalized by your new favorite meals, but you'll also be taking a step towards leading a heart-healthy life with each bite!

Wear Compression Socks or Compression Stockings

Wearing compression socks or stockings has long been a part of traditional well-being. For those of us with poor circulation, these garments can provide an extra layer of comfort and support.

By applying gentle pressure to the feet and legs, compression socks can increase the blood flow back toward the heart, making it easier for our bodies to circulate essential nutrients. This is your sign to take a few hours each day to put on some comfortable compression gear!

Overall, it is important to keep our blood circulating well in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Taking hot baths or showers and exercising on a regular basis can do wonders for promoting a healthy blood flow rate.

Adding nutritious foods with vitamins and minerals into your diet can provide further assistance in keeping circulation levels optimal. Massage therapy helps to relieve tension, allowing our veins and arteries to carry more blood throughout the body efficiently. Compression socks or stockings apply pressure when needed, promoting proper circulation as well. Investing in these few effective ways can make a positive impact on your cardiovascular well-being!